Garden Updates

Orange pumpkins, purple cabbage, brusell sprouts and leeks lined up on a paving stone patio.

Garden Successes 2023

This is a counter article to the previous garden fails article I posted, in part to boost my confidence, but
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Garden Fails 2023 - Sharing my mistakes so you don't make them

It's 2024 somehow, so I've been doing some reflecting on what was the past year in
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Blank, hand written list for making new year resolutions.

End of 2022 Garden Update and New Year's Resolutions

This growing season I've had some big harvests, finished a few projects and am slowly transforming my yard
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Garden beds, three covered with grow cloths and mulched pathways in between. Early spring in sunshine.

Garden Update - April 2022

Corner plot garden update - start of spring 2022 features wild weather, lots of mulch and finishing up some garden projects. Got a few seeds planted as well.
6 min read
Kale, lettuces, arugula and squash planted in garden beds.

Blank slate - first post

Today it's -22 degrees C (-8 deg F), there's a blowing snow warning and I'
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